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David DeRose MD, MPH

Board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine and Preventive Medicine, David DeRose, MD, MPH, is a practicing clinician and co-author of the best-selling book, “Thirty Days to Natural Blood Pressure Control.”

Predicting and Preventing Drug Abuse

Researchers from Colorado State University share insights into factors that help Native American...

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Cultural Relevance in Mental Health Treatment

Dr. Skinstad shares personal insights into work among Native American populations relating to...

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“Protecting Native Interests” with the Warnes

Husband and wife team, Jill Sherman Warne and Jim Warne, join us to talk about their work...

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Managing Stress with David DeRose, MD

Dr. DeRose provides a compelling new paradigm for addressing stress and rolls out a new free stress...

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“Focus on the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)”

Learn the amazing story behind NICOA’s creation—and the powerful role it plays in improving the...

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“Mitigating Drug Harms” as recorded at the National Tribal Health Conference, 2023

Although medications can be lifesaving, they can also be the agents of death. Learn how programs...

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"Focus on Native Youth" with Michelle Singer

Michelle Singer reviews the wide range of programs and services currently being offered by the...

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Insights from National Indian Health Board Leadership

Stacy Bohlen and Darby Galligher of the NIHB share insights into this thriving organization and its...

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"Opting for Optimism" for Gary D. Moyer

Changing your outlook can change your life. Gary Moyer shares his own personal journey into how...

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“Young Adults as Health Advocates” with Paul and Donnalee Lehmann

Young adults can be powerful health advocates. Hear compelling stories and learn practical ways to...

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